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Tuesday 2 November 2010


have you ever spilt coffee down yourself?
well i had the worst experience of this yesterday. i bought a coffee at school (like i do everyday) -so i took the lid off for it to cool down, then i put the lid back on. obv. as i carried on walking i went to take a sip. clearly the lid wasn't on properly. i spilt coffee all down myself. all over my shirt. my skirt. my leg (which was burning). in my shoes. on the floor. then i had no tissues to clean it up with. so i had to use my jumper. when even more to my embarrassment the wind suddenly got really strong. you can guess what happened next. seeing as i was trying to wipe coffee off my leg, in a skirt, in the wind, in the middle of the school field.
not a good day.

Sunday 26 September 2010


today i did a dance audition for a pantomime in oakengates. i didn't get the part but its all good experience, right now though my friend is in a fight with a 12 year old who thinks she's all it. swearing making rude comments trying to intimidate us. so he added me to the conversation now she's trying hard to keep her act up. she's put her 'friends' onto us now, it really is pathetic seeing as we don't even know her. i don't understand what some peoples problem is? seriously, just leave other people alone unless you have something nice to say!

Thursday 23 September 2010


today at school we left half way through the day for the district netball tournament. i have to say that i absolutely LOVE netball especially playing in a team with all of my closest friends. i play wa (and for anyone who doesn't know what netball is that means wing attack) i love this position. partly because no one else likes it so when we play i don't have to keep swapping in or out of the games when we play matches.
in the tournament were 5 schools:
william brookes (my school)
lacon childe
church stretton
and another one that i have forgotten
we won our first match against church stretton, but then we got a bit lazy and lost the rest. but i personally think we played really well against lacon childe because the final score was 7-2 to them but they are a really really good team and we had plenty of opportunities to shoot in the goal but the shooters just kept missing. it was really fun though.
right, i have to get back to my homework because i have loads. stupid school!
emilia-still sucks at writing posts

Tuesday 21 September 2010

young love?

ok, so yesterday i got asked out by this guy in my class. he may not be very good looking but he's really sweet and really caring and smart. i didn't know what to say. when i found out he liked me i was sort of like hmm :/ and everyone started saying stuff to me like 'oh just say no, don't worry to much about it you have to do what you want' but when he asked me i didn't want to say no. people have been saying that i don't have to say yes and give in to peer pressure but i think that giving in to it would be to say no. they didn't ask me whether i wanted to say no, they have just assumed i'm going to say no. i think i kind of like him but i don't want to hurt him or upset my friends. 
emilia-stuck in the middle.

Monday 20 September 2010

my friend

my friend made this video, i think it's fricking awesome!


ok, so a complete change of theme here. today i am asking why are we here? what is our place in the universe?

these are the questions i have to answer for my RE homework. i wrote:
god? life? the universe? is there a purpose? i feel that every life and every individual has a purpose. people may say that they have to figure out their purpose but i think that if we discover what our purpose is, our lives would change and our constant aim would be to achieve that purpose therefore our lives would be nothing and worth nothing.
why are we here? is there one definite answer? if you accept what the bible says - that god made us - then i ask you why. why did he create us? i think we are here to enjoy life. each person, a minor speck in his grand scheme. to follow our instincts and try to make a better world, to prove we are worthy of inhabitance on earth. but why make a bad world with people in it to make it better? why not just simply make a world of good?
these questions i believe to be some of the most interminable questions that humans have ever tried to answer with each individual believing their own perspective. the above, is mine.

any good? yes, no, maybe so?

ok, but what did i do today? erm nothing interesting, but i did manage to throughly piss off my friend. he lied to me the other day which pretty much upset me - because it was a pretty big thing to lie about - so today as a joke i said to him that i didn't like him any more. within five minutes he looked ready to punch someone's lights out. i asked what the matter was and he goes 'you don't like me' his voice holding a huge amount of sinister hatred. so i apologised told him i was only messing around and he practically storms away from me. i hope he's ok, some people are really sensitive.

Sunday 19 September 2010

this first post

so, my name is emilia but everyone i know calls me milly. i don't know why that is, it doesn't even sound anything like my proper name. but ok, so i'm joining this blogspot just to see what it's like because i don't understand why people do it. who wants to know about someone elses life? someone elses views? if you had a really interesting life then maybe someone would love reading it but seriously, who wants to know about my silly little normal life?

but ok, here goes. so today i had extra dance lessons because i have a major exam coming up. i'm becoming really nervous now, i'm so worried that i am going to fail it and my friends will all pass. how humiliating would that be? but in this there are four people from my dance class entered and we have been put into pairs for the exam then there will be two strangers, i have been paired with my best friend which i am pleased with because it will help to boost my confidence. one of the other people from my class though said to me today 'no offence but i am glad that i'm not doing my exam with you' -how harsh is that? how am i not meant to take offence?! do any of you know people like that? you really like them and they're really good friends but sometimes they don't know what to say to people to make them feel good, or what not to say, or sometimes they really don't understand that some things they say can make people upset with them realising or even thinking that it might upset them.

this is my dance school, it's really good for anyone who's interested in performing arts:

i can't really think of what else to say, so please comment? tell me what you think, or if you think it's rubbish tell me how i can make it any good. thank-you, i hope it was ok.